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اللغة الانجليزية - اللغة الفرنسية

اللغة الانجليزية - اللغة الفرنسية - كل مايهم منهاج اللغة الانجليزية و الفرنسية في سوريا - French Language - English Language

‏انجليزي البكالوريا اهم جمل الترجمة من كتاب الملحق‬

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افتراضي ‏انجليزي البكالوريا اهم جمل الترجمة من كتاب الملحق‬

مادة اللغة الانجليزية لطلاب البكالوريا شهادة التعليم الثانوية العامة
سوريا - وزارة التربية السورية
اهم جمل الترجمة من كتاب الملحق‬
‏انجليزي البكالوريا اهم جمل الترجمة من كتاب الملحق‬

1_ #Recycling
_Scientific knowledge should be used with wisdom and care.
_Every year, people throw away huge quantities of rubbish.
_ People often disposed of waste in open holes in the ground, called open landfills.
_Even well-designed landfills can pollute the soil and groundwater.
_ Incinerators take up less space and do not pollute groundwater.
_The heat produced by burning solid waste can be used to generate electricity.
_ Incinerators cost much more money to build than landfills.
_Recycling reduces the volume of waste materials.
_ Recycling metal saves money and causes less pollution than processing new materials.
_ Recycling glass is easy and inexpensive.
_The recycled pieces melt at a lower temperature than the raw materials.
_ All recycling processes require energy and create some pollution.
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2_ #Daily_Life_in_Space
_In space a tiny mistake can mean death within thirty seconds.
_ A small miscalculation in the planning and preparation of the space mission will probably mean the death of everyone on board.
_ Astronauts sleep in small compartments using sleeping bags.
_ On Earth human beings are always moving against the force of gravity, with the bones and muscles supporting the body.
_In space there is no gravity so the bones and muscles weaken very quickly.
_ People need to keep clean in space to stay healthy and avoid spreading germs.
_ In space, unlike on Earth, fluids can be mixed or combined almost regardless of their relative weights.
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3_ #The_IT_Age
_A computer network is a set of computers or devices connected to each other.
_ The programmes that control what a computer is able to do are known as software.
_ IT programmes stored years with two digits instead of four.
_The Internet has transformed the way people communicate with each other and access information.
_ Virtual Reality will allow people to live, work and interact with others in an electronic world.
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4_ #Alfred_Nobel

_ The Nobel Prize has been given to several people from the Arab World.
_The famous writer Naguib Mahfouz won the Noble Prize for literature.
_Naguib Mahfouz was an Egyptian novelist who became one of the most famous writers in the Arab world.
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5_ #Caffeine
_Caffeine is an odourless, slightly bitter solid.
_ Caffeine dissolves in water and alcohol and its crystals look like needles.
_Caffeine is used as a stimulant of the heart and nervous system.
_The effects of caffeine tend to make one feel more alert and less sleepy.
_The heart rate increases, blood vessels expand and the brain receives more oxygen.
_Caffeine is a stimulant found in many plant species.
_ The most common natural sources of caffeine are coffee, tea and cocoa.
_When taken in small amounts, caffeine increases the circulation and is considered harmless for most people.
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6_ #Modern_Medicine
_Surgery is used to solve problems that cannot be treated with conventional medicines.
_It is essential that every item in the operating theatre remain clean and uncontaminated.
_Clean, sterile items that are free of germs are kept separate from contaminated items at all times.
_Local anaesthetics only numb a small area of skin so the patient doesn‟t feel the operation as it happens. General anaesthetics paralyse the patient and render them unconscious.
_ Bacteria are tiny cells that live everywhere on Earth, including in our bodies.
_ Bacteria are responsible for spreading many types of diseases through infection.
_ Antibiotics are incredibly useful and they have transformed modern medicine.
_ Penicillin is one of the most effective and commonly used drugs in use today.
_ Often patients stop taking a course of antibiotics when they feel better and before all the bacteria are eliminated.
_Resistant bacteria will multiply and spread and will not be eliminated by the same antibiotics.
_The more we use antibiotics, the more the bacteria they fight get used to them and build up a resistance.
_There is a real danger that these new “superbugs” could cause diseases that antibiotics are unable to fight.
_It is very important not to overuse antibiotics in order to prevent bacteria from becoming too resistant.
_ You should always wash your hands, especially when you feel ill.
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7_ #Short_Stories
_Galileo often imagined himself flying through the clouds.
_ Galileo was in a church when he heard a strange noise.
_Today, we can protect ourselves against many illnesses that once meant death to thousands of people.
_ Marie studied in a small room without heat or light. Marie Curie discovered a hidden power and gave it to the world.

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