
is dhuhr time over

What is the last time for Fajr, Dhur, Asr, Magrib and Isha?

What is the last time for Fajr, Dhur, Asr, Magrib and Isha?

Is my dhuhr valid if I delay it & Pray just before Hanafi Asr time? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Is my dhuhr valid if I delay it & Pray just before Hanafi Asr time? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Time for dhuhr prayer - Assim al hakeem

Time for dhuhr prayer - Assim al hakeem

Beginning and end time for Fajr - Assim al hakeem

Beginning and end time for Fajr - Assim al hakeem

Can we pray missed prayers at prohibited times (Fajr while sun is rising) - Assim al hakeem

Can we pray missed prayers at prohibited times (Fajr while sun is rising) - Assim al hakeem

Correct Prayer Times Calculation Method

Correct Prayer Times Calculation Method

Can Friday prayer (Jummah) be prayed before dhuhr? - Assim al hakeem

Can Friday prayer (Jummah) be prayed before dhuhr? - Assim al hakeem

Why do we pray Fajr, Maghrib & Isha aloud and Dhuhr & Asr silently? - Assim al hakeem

Why do we pray Fajr, Maghrib & Isha aloud and Dhuhr & Asr silently? - Assim al hakeem

What Is Fajr Time?

What Is Fajr Time?

How to determine beginning & end time of dhuhr? Hanafi timing / Authentic Hadith - Assim al hakeem

How to determine beginning & end time of dhuhr? Hanafi timing / Authentic Hadith - Assim al hakeem

When do we pray the sunnah prayers of dhuhr on a Friday? - Assim al hakeem

When do we pray the sunnah prayers of dhuhr on a Friday? - Assim al hakeem

Missed Fajr due to sleep. What to do? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Missed Fajr due to sleep. What to do? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

If I Missed Dhuhr, should i pray Asr first then Dhuhr? | IslamQ&A

If I Missed Dhuhr, should i pray Asr first then Dhuhr? | IslamQ&A

Woke up late for Fajr -Is it permissible to pray it when the Sun is rising? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Woke up late for Fajr -Is it permissible to pray it when the Sun is rising? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

When is the last time for Maghrib & beginning time for Isha prayer? - Assim al hakeem

When is the last time for Maghrib & beginning time for Isha prayer? - Assim al hakeem

What is the last time to pray fajr #HUDATV

What is the last time to pray fajr #HUDATV

The true Fajr (break of dawn) and mistakes in some timetables - Sheikh Assimalhakeem

The true Fajr (break of dawn) and mistakes in some timetables - Sheikh Assimalhakeem

When is the last time to pray Maghrib? - Assim al hakeem

When is the last time to pray Maghrib? - Assim al hakeem

Masjid has 2 or more jamah on Friday, (is it ok) 1 is before dhuhr time, pray or wait? Assimalhakeem

Masjid has 2 or more jamah on Friday, (is it ok) 1 is before dhuhr time, pray or wait? Assimalhakeem

Woke up late for fajr, can we pray the fard first and then the Sunnah? - Assim al hakeem

Woke up late for fajr, can we pray the fard first and then the Sunnah? - Assim al hakeem